An unusual cause of neonatal introital mass, paraurethral (Skene's duct) cysts: A case report and review of the literature
Jayalaxmi S Aihole, Narendra M Babu, J Deepak
Paraurethral cysts or Skenes duct cysts are a rare cause of inter labial mass in a neonate. The precise etiology of paraurethral cyst is unknown. A thorough urologic evaluation was required to differentiate it from an ectopic ureterocele, urethrocele, urethral diverticula, and benign or malignant urethral and paraurethral tumors. A day 7 female baby was brought to us with history of asymptomatic introital mass noticed at day 4 of life. It was displacing urethra supero-laterally to the left and the vagina inferiorly with normal cystogenitoscopy. Simple excision of cyst was done uneventfully. Though asymptomatic, because of cosmetic and parental anxiety, and for a definitive diagnosis, simple excision of cyst was done uneventfully without recurrence.
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