Fibroepithelial ureteral polyps as a cause of ureteropelvic junction obstruction in children: A case report
Ilse Van Horebeek, Michel Wyndaele, Piet Verlinde, Dieter Ost, Abraham Cherian, Gunter De Win, Dominique Trouet
We present a ten-year-old boy with episodic left flank pain, vomiting and microscopic hematuria. Imaging showed hydronephrosis characteristic for ureteropelvic junction (UPJ) obstruction. Pyeloplasty revealed a ureteral polyp, histopathologic examination confirmed the diagnosis of a fibroepithelial polyp. Fibroepithelial polyps of the ureter are a rare cause of UPJ obstruction in children. The most common presentation is episodic flank pain and/or hematuria. Imaging can be guiding, but pre-operative diagnosis is difficult. After surgical resection recurrence is rare.
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