Fournier's gangrene with urethral involvement in a four-year-old child with neuropathic bladder: A rare case report
Yasar Issi, Sedat Simsik, Unal Bicakci
A four-year-old boy presenting with neuropathic bladder and hydrocephalus developed Fournier’s gangrene of the scrotum and perineum. At first, he was in septic shock and intubated. After debridement and grafting, he was taken to the normal service room from the intensive care unit. He was discharged on the 29th postoperative day. We performed bilateral orchiectomy due to testicular involvement and also repair and flap application to urethra due to its involvement. We think that our case is interesting because Fournier’s gangrene is already rare in children and our case also contains atypical involvement sites such as testes and urethra.
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