Opinion Article - (2024) Volume 11, Issue 3

Preventive strategies for henoch-schonlein purpura nephritis relapse in pediatric patients

Howard Kim*
*Correspondence: Howard Kim, Department of Urology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands, Email:

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Henoch-Schonlein Purpura (HSP) is a systemic vasculitis predominantly affecting children, characterized by palpable purpura, arthritis, abdominal pain and renal involvement. HSP nephritis, the renal manifestation of HSP, can lead to relapses, necessitating preventive strategies to minimize disease recurrence and preserve renal function. HSP nephritis relapse refers to the recurrence of renal manifestations, such as hematuria, proteinuria and renal dysfunction, following an initial episode of HSP nephritis. Relapses can occur unpredictably and vary in severity, potentially leading to progressive renal damage and chronic kidney disease. Identifying risk factors for relapse and implementing preventive measures are essential for optimizing long- term outcomes in pediatric patients with HSP nephritis.

Early and aggressive treatment with glucocorticoids during the acute phase of HSP nephritis can reduce renal inflammation and prevent relapses. Short-term courses of oral prednisone or intravenous methylprednisolone are commonly used, followed by gradual tapering to minimize side effects. In cases of severe or refractory HSP nephritis, immunosuppressive agents such as cyclophosphamide, azathioprine, or mycophenolate mofetil may be indicated to suppress immune-mediated renal inflammation and prevent relapses. However, their use is reserved for patients with persistent disease activity despite glucocorticoid therapy or those at high risk of relapse.

Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme Inhibitors (ACEIs) and Angiotensin Receptor Blockers (ARBs) are renin- angiotensin system inhibitors that have renoprotective effects by reducing proteinuria and blood pressure. They are commonly used as adjunctive therapy in pediatric patients with HSP nephritis to prevent renal injury and slow disease progression. Omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil have anti- inflammatory properties and may have a protective effect against relapses in HSP nephritis. Several studies have suggested that fish oil supplementation may reduce proteinuria and improve renal outcomes in pediatric patients with HSP nephritis, although further research is needed to confirm its efficacy.

Encouraging a balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean proteins may help maintain overall health and reduce systemic inflammation in pediatric patients with HSP nephritis. Limiting sodium intake and avoiding processed foods and sugary beverages can also help manage blood pressure and reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications. Engaging in regular physical activity not only promotes cardiovascular health but also helps reduce stress and improve overall well-being in pediatric patients with HSP nephritis. Encouraging age-appropriate activities such as swimming, biking, and team sports to have a healthy lifestyle and enhance social interaction. Stress has been implicated as a potential trigger for disease  flares in autoimmune conditions such as HSP nephritis. Implementing stress-reduction techniques such as mindfulness meditation, yoga, or relaxation exercises may help pediatric patients cope with stressors and reduce the risk of relapse.

Pediatric patients with HSP nephritis require regular follow-up visits with their healthcare providers to monitor disease activity, renal function and medication tolerance. Close monitoring allows for early detection of disease relapse or complications and facilitates timely intervention to prevent disease progression. Periodic urinalysis and laboratory tests, including assessment of urine protein excretion, serum creatinine levels, and blood pressure measurements, are essential components of long-term monitoring in pediatric patients with HSP nephritis. Monitoring for persistent proteinuria or hematuria may indicate disease relapse or progression and prompt adjustments to treatment. Renal biopsy may be indicated in pediatric patients with HSP nephritis who experience recurrent or refractory disease despite standard therapy. Renal biopsy findings provide valuable information about disease activity, severity, and prognosis, guiding treatment decisions and prognostication.


In conclusion, preventing relapses in pediatric patients with Henoch-Schönlein Purpura nephritis requires a multifaceted approach involving pharmacological interventions, lifestyle modifications and long- term monitoring. Early and aggressive treatment with glucocorticoids and immunosuppressive agents during the acute phase of the disease can reduce renal inflammation and minimize the risk of relapse. Lifestyle modifications, including dietary adjustments, regular exercise, and stress management techniques, promote overall health and well-being and may help mitigate disease flares. Long-term monitoring with regular follow-up visits, urinalysis, and laboratory tests allows for early detection of disease relapse or complications and facilitates timely intervention to optimize outcomes. By implementing comprehensive preventive strategies, healthcare providers can effectively manage HSP nephritis in pediatric patients and minimize the burden of disease relapse on renal function and quality of life.

Author Info

Howard Kim*
Department of Urology, University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

Received: 05-Jun-2024, Manuscript No. PUCR-24-137991; , Pre QC No. PUCR-24-137991; Editor assigned: 07-Jun-2024, Pre QC No. PUCR-24-137991; Reviewed: 21-Jun-2024, QC No. PUCR-24-137991; Revised: 28-Jun-2024, Manuscript No. PUCR-24-137991; Published: 05-Jul-2024, DOI: 10.14534/j-pucr.20222675651

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