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Priority and important requirements for authors

The CARE guidelines, developed by an international group of experts, are designed to increase the accuracy, transparency, and usefulness of case reports. The CARE guidelines and checklist provide authors tools to write accurate and transparent case reports. The CARE checklist is also the main framework for the referee evaluation form of this journal. Therefore, the authors should carefully evaluate the CARE guidelines and checklist in the presentation of a case to this journal.

The manuscript should be written in English and the editors reserve the right to make appropriate corrections in grammar and style. 

In general, Manuscript Submission must include following things:
1. Article (With Text in MS Office Word). It should be typed in Times New Roman, font size 12, 1.5 line-space with page margin of 2" on all the four sides. Please number each page.  
2. Cover letter. Each submitted article must be accompanied by a Covering letter signed by all authors stating the section under which the manuscript is submitted. It must contain following written statement signed by all the authors.
“The undersigned author(s) certify(ies) that the article is original, is not under consideration by any other journal, and has not been previously published. All copyright ownership of the manuscript entitled (title of article) will be transferred to the publishers of the Pediatric Urology Case Reports once the article is accepted for publication in the journal”
3. Name, address (with e-mail) of two referees relevant to your article.
A manuscript number will be E-mailed to the corresponding author after receiving the manuscript, within a day or two. Author will have to mention the manuscript number during future correspondence. 
All articles are read by at least two referees (double blind), and revisions to the article may thus be required. When an article is returned for revision prior to acceptance, the revised article must be submitted within one week after the author's receipt of the referee's reports. Further correspondence and proofs will be sent to the author(s) before publication unless otherwise indicated. It is a condition of submission of a paper that the authors permit editing of the paper for readability. All enquiries concerning the publication of accepted papers should be addressed to   

 Manuscripts should be no more than 1500 words, with up to 5 illustrations, 2 tables and a maximum of 25 references.

Title Page: The title of the manuscript should include the name and affiliation of all authors and include the contact information (name, telephone number and e-mail address) of the corresponding author. 

ORCiD IDs of the corresponding author and other authors must be submitted during the registration process. This section is mandatory.

As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process, Pediatric Urology Case Reports is a publisher who signed ORCID open letter. ORCID provides a unique and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers from every other researcher, even those who share the same name, and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized.

Manuscript Title: The title should be short, specific and informative. The area of focus and “case report” should appear in the title.  

Abstract: Briefly summarize in an unstructured format the relevant information without citations. Do this after writing the case report. Information should include: (1) Background, (2) Key points from the case; and (3) Main lessons to be learned from this case report and should not exceed 200 words. 
Key Words. Provide 2 to 5 key words that will identify important topics covered by this case report.
The introduction should briefly summarize why this case report is important. This section should be concise, with no subheadings.
Case report: 
This section should present all of the details information about the patient, as well as a full description of the patient's symptoms, laboratory and imaging findings, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis and follow-up. Clinical findings should describe the relevant past medical history, pertinent co-morbidities, and important physical examination (PE) findings. Diagnostic assessments should contain diagnostic testing and results, differential diagnoses, and the diagnosis. Therapeutic interventions should describe the types of intervention (pharmacologic, surgical, preventive, lifestyle) and how the interventions were administered (dosage, strength, duration and frequency). The data should be supported with tables or figures when necessary and they should be presented in chronological order. . Follow-up and outcomes should describe the clinical course of the episode of care during follow-up visits including (1) intervention modification, interruption, or discontinuation; (2) intervention adherence and how this was assessed; and (3) adverse effects or unanticipated events.

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Discussion: The discussion should describe case management, including strengths and limitations with scientific references. This section should provide additional information that is not included in the case report and should explain reasons for specific treatment decisions. The conclusion offers the most important findings from the case.

References: Pediatric Urology Case Reports use the AMA (American Medical Association) Reference Citation Format. Number references in the order they are mentioned in the text; do not alphabetize. Reference citations in the text should be identified by numbers in square brackets. In listing references, follow NLM Style Guide , abbreviating names of journals according to Index Medicus. Indicate each author’s family name followed by a space and initials closed up without periods. Author names should be separated with a comma, never using the conjunction “and” between entries. All authors must be listed for papers with 1 to 3 authors. For papers with more than 3 authors, only the first 3 authors must be listed, followed by et al.

For online journals or articles published online ahead of print, provide the DOI number, if possible, rather than the URL. URLs used in references will not be made hyperlinks.

Journal article

List the first three authors;

Bothra J, Shah H, Tiwar C. Classic Wilms’ tumor with raised alpha-fetoprotein levels:   A case report and literature review. Pediatr Urol Case Rep. 2017; 4(1):238-42.

More than three authors followed by et al.

Nondel B, Lazarus J, Howlett J, et al. Donated staghorn kidney stone in an HIV positive pediatric kidney transplant recipient. Pediatr Urol Case Rep. 2017; 4(4):350-55. 

Chapter in a book

Boston VE. Ureteral duplicaton and ureterocele. In: Grosfeld JL, O’Neill JA, Fonkalsrud EW, Coran AG (eds.). Pediatric Surgery. 6th ed. Philadelphia: Mosby/Elsevier; 2006. pp. 1758-1770.
Preparation of Figures: Unique unpublished high quality images from clinical stand point is acceptable. Short relevant story should be attached. Recommended format is JPEG.

Preparation of Tables: Tables should be cited consecutively in the text. Tables should have a title and explanatory notes should be placed beneath the tables. All abbreviations should also be outlined beneath the tables.

Author Declaration Form & Statement of Conflict of InterestAuthors should also state that there is no conflict of interest with any financial organization regarding the material discussed in the manuscript. Scientific and legal responsibilities pertaining to the paper belong to the authors. The ideas and recommendations mentioned in the articles and accuracy of the references are the responsibility of the authors. An author declaration form & conflict of interest statement signed by all authors must be included with the manuscript submission as a supplementary file or sent by e-mail ( Submissions received without signed author declaration forms cannot be sent out for review. There is no royalty payment to the authors.

Open Access Publishing or Author Charge
Pediatric Urology Case Reports is an open access journal

Regular Article 1519 Euros
Special Issue 1419 Euros

Ethical Guidelines

In any studies that involve experiments on human or animal subjects, the following ethical guidelines must be observed. For any experiments on humans, all work must be conducted in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki (1964). Papers describing experimental work which carries a risk of harm to human subjects must include a statement that the experiment was conducted with the human subjects’ understanding and consent, as well as a statement that the responsible Ethical Committee has approved the experiments. In the case of any animal experiments, the authors must provide a full description of any anesthetic or surgical procedure used, as well as evidence that all possible steps were taken to avoid animal suffering at each stage of the experiment.

Publication Ethics and Malpractice Statement 

Pediatric Urology Case Reports follows the COPE (Committee for Publication Ethics) Guidelines and decisions about duplicate publication, plagiarism and article retraction are taken as per COPE Flowcharts. All Authors need to report that their manuscript is an original publication and should sign the contributors form and conflict of interest form for each publication. 

Statement of Informed Consent

Case reports submitted to Pediatric Urology Case Reports should conform to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors’ (ICMJE) recommendations. Patients have a right to privacy that should not be infringed without informed consent. Identifying information, including patients' names, initials, or hospital numbers, should not be published in written descriptions, photographs, and pedigrees unless the information is essential for scientific purposes and the patient (or parent or guardian) gives written informed consent for publication. Informed consent for this purpose requires that a patient who is identifiable be shown the manuscript to be published. Authors should identify Individuals who provide writing assistance and disclose the funding source for this assistance. Identifying details should be omitted if they are not essential. Please print out the form (Statement of Informed Consent Form), fill in the details about the article, ask the patient or next of kin to sign the form, and to editorial office by fax or electronic submitting system after signing the form.

Corrections and Retractions

If serious error or scientific misconduct occurs, the article will be retracted during any stage of publishing. If the paper with error has been published, and the error is minor without affecting the overall results and conclusions of the study, a correction statement will be published in the next available issue. If errors occur during the editing/copyediting or proofreading because of the publisher, a correction will be published as erratum.

Plagiarism checking

All submitted manuscripts will be checked for any possible duplication or plagiarism (iThenticate). Nevertheless corresponding authors are responsible for any fraud, intentional or unintentional malpractice.


Corrected proofs must be returned to the publisher within 2-3 days of receipt. The publisher will do everything possible to ensure prompt publication. It will therefore be appreciated if the manuscripts and figures conform from the outset to the style of the journal.


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  2. The submission file is in PDF, OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, RTF, or WordPerfect document file format.
  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  4. The text is 1.5 line-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  5. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines, which is found in About the Journal.
  6. If submitting to a peer-reviewed section of the journal, the instructions in Ensuring a Blind Review have been followed.
  7. A signed copy of the Author Declaration Form & Conflict of Interest Statement has been added as a supplementary file or sent by fax / email (


All works published by Pediatric Urology Case Reports are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.

The authors of this article must accept the explanations and conditions listed below:

1- We agree that the Pediatric Urology Case Reports does not carry responsibility regarding the content, conclusions, information, results and comments of our article.

2- Scientific, ethical and legal responsibility of the article belongs to us as the authors. We are responsible for the ideas, comments and accuracy of references in the article.

3- For quoted parts (text, figures, tables, pictures), legal permission has been taken from the copyright holder (s) and I agree that all financial and legal responsibility belongs to me.

4- The above mentioned research has been carried out as a part of my work and is open to use by community.

5- We wish to confirm that there are no known conflicts of interest associated with this publication and there has been no significant financial support for this work that could have influenced its outcome.

6- Articles published in this journal are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (see  and ).


Pediatric Urology Case Reports permits authors to archive their work in open access repositories as "pre-prints".

All works published ("post-print") by Pediatric Urology Case Reports are under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. This permits anyone to copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work provided the original work and source is appropriately cited.


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